Thursday 26 May 2011

Term 2 Week 10 - Discussion

Discussion Topic:

What facilities do you wish to see in the new school?
Give reasons.


  1. I wish to see swimming pool in the new school because when we have swimming lessons,we can easily go there and we can start our lessons quickly.

  2. More Computer Lab.
    So that mor classes can go there.

    A bigger hall.
    So that we can have more space to sit.

    A better projector
    So that we can see better

    Better teacher
    So that we can learn more

  3. I wish to have a air-condition at every classroom but it can only can be on under a very hot weather.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. i Wish the new school have aircon in every room (class) because it will be cooling for student to listen and the com lab to have new com and i wish we have a swimming pool at the field and i wish we have showering heads in the toilets so that we can shower ourself in school so that we will not be sweaty and smelly in class

  6. I wish to see more computer labs because when the other classes are using the computer lab when we want to use,we can also use it as well.

  7. i wish to have a shelter basketball court,because when recess raining,also can play basketball.

  8. I want the school field with shelter because if there is lightning after school and I have CCA, I can use the field and play soccer and have fun with my friend.


  9. I wish to have a new school field that has a running track that is very big for all because it is easy for someone to speed up or overtake.
    I wish to have a gym club because it will make the pupil stronger and healthier.
    I wish to have a polish room so that if the school shoe is dirty,we can polish there.

  10. I want every place in our school to have its own air conditional because everytime after recess all the people will be hot and sweeting the whole body...I also want an art studio that all the pupils could do ....


  11. Roy Lok Yong Hock26 May 2011 at 20:39

    A better projector.
    So that we can see better.

    Better Teacher.
    So that we can learn more.

    More Computer Lab.
    So that more classes can go there.

    Bigger Hall.
    So that we have more space to sit down.

  12. I Wish To See The Hall With Air-Conditon Because Everyday After Recess It's Very Hot And Can Make Us Sweaty

  13. Air-con in the classroom so that we can relax while having lessons.And a swimming pool in the school so we do not need to go other/further public swimming complex.

  14. I wish have a water cooler in our class because we do not need to walk all the way to the place where water cooler at,we are wasting our time and also is more convient to drink more water and mr andy always say drink more water.If water cooler is placed inside our class more pupil drink water and also pupil will not fall sick and be healthy everyday come to school everyday and improve our english,science,math and mother tongue

  15. A bigger library because the school's library is small and cannot take in alot of books.And the school library have old books.They don't add in new books because the library is too small for anymore new books to come in, the librarian told me.

  16. I want the school field to be bigger field,so that all the sport game can be played at the field and i want the field to have shelter,so that if there is lighting we can stil use the field. From:Danial Asyraf

  17. I wish that Dazong Primary have more clever teacher to teach use. So that our marks can get more higher then before.And I wish that the teacher can give use more homework. So we can learn more about that subject.Then we also feel very happy when we get higher marks and our parents will be proud of us

  18. Hi Junyong,

    thanks for your comment. I think it makes sense - and it saves electricity this way!


  19. roy why want projecter

  20. I wish the playgound is bigger then normal playgound we see

  21. i wish to have a wonderful at school , have a new activity,a new homework and have a good teacer because i don't want to failed exam but i want to improve and be a hardworking boy and also i don't want to be a dissapointed my parents,my brother and my friends.Now i need to improve a lot of subjects.i must revise more.(syafiq 5/R)

  22. i want to have aircon in every class because singapore is getting hotter and i also want a few more food in the canteen because the food in the school is not very nice i hope to have a pasta stall in school.GLENN CHUA

  23. i wish 2 have macdonald breakfast in our school canteen cauz if buy food in school is cheaper.

  24. Medwin Kiang Yi26 May 2011 at 20:46

    hafiz and jun yong i agree with u because when lighning alert,we can still play


  26. I want a school field 3 times as big than now for us 2 play and there is a running track beside it and there is a sauna for us to calm our exploding head after all that learning

  27. Zikry said..... i want an indoor soccer field so that the rain would not wet us and an air coditioner in the field so we will not sweat from zikry

  28. Hi Roy,

    I agree with you because our old school is small and your comment is sweet and nice.

  29. i wish to have lift for student,because it is very tired to climb up and down everyday.

  30. A huge classroom because it can filled many pupils as now classroom is a bit small and cannot filled many pupils.

  31. I want a bigger school hall because the hall will not be so squeezy

  32. me ley do u agree with me 2

  33. I Agree With Yen Kang Feng

  34. Teo Qi Yue,that not a good comment :( we can"t run that far of the school field is 3 time bigger

  35. qi yue,three times of the field in our school now is too big.What to u mean "sauna"?

  36. Hi Seri,

    I agree with your comment because the libraby need to have more books so we can borrow more new books.

  37. i want 2 basketball court.Here wehave the court but no hoop and we have the basketballs but no hoop

  38. i want a new computer in the school,because it can be use .

  39. I agree with Teo Qi Yue because we can run and overtake the person

  40. i agree with hafizh when there is lightning alert we can still play

  41. Roy Lok Yong Hock26 May 2011 at 20:51

    Gerald,the AVA's projector is old and have a lot of problem

  42. I very agree with zaki because for the turf club can loose their weight by exercise at the gym.

  43. Seri I do not like your comment,all of us want new books.

  44. Hi Gui Yan,I do not think your suggestion make sense because all teacher in our school is clever just that the pupils do not listen to what teacher say.

  45. i wish there is a swimming pool because it is a nice sport.i wish there is a air-condition because the weather is humid and hot.i want a bigger soccer field so that we can kick a longer and higher distance.i want our school canteen to sell more drink and food like western food.last thing is sell more think in the bookshop...

  46. i want the canteen to be bigger because some of the people is running.

  47. i want to have a bigger canteen so that we can have space to move around

  48. I want to have a bigger classroom so we can walk around freely and not to keep saying 'excuse me' and the classroom door must be bigger so that if we walk in or out , we will not push .

  49. Hong Hui , I disapprove your suggestion because we use the playground to excercise not to play

  50. Zaki i approve your suggestion because some people are very slow or may be blocking us , we cant overtake them as the field is so small .

  51. i don't agree with hong hui comments because if the school have play ground the student will do even worst in their examination

  52. i want the school to become a disipiline school

  53. DeanTanYou Sheng27 May 2011 at 07:31

    I agree with Hui Xin because if we have swimming pool in school we can also learn how to swim and i want a baby pool so that we can play slide in the swimming juz like the Bukit Batok swimming complex

  54. I agree with Rachel Ong because i think it make some sense

  55. Hi Amira,
    I don't agree with u because a bigger canteen is useless.


  56. a huge classroom because the classroom is a bit crammed
    a air conditioned classroom because the classroom is very hot
    a big field so many class can use at the same time.

  57. Liqi - interesting point! So does that mean we should also have toilets in the classrooms??

  58. Liqi - I'm happy to know that you take my advice to heart!

  59. Ya we should have toilets in classrooms.

  60. If can we should have toilet in classrooms especially p1 classes because when I was k2,I urgent to go toilet but my teacher did not allow and after few minute teacher allowed me to go.I ran and ran on the way I pee on the floor all was too late!so I hope to have toilets at classrooms.
