Friday 27 May 2011

No English Remedial during Holidays

Dear Pupils

You do not need to come to school for English Remedial - because I do not think that the extra 2 hours (if you were to come back) is going to back a big difference in your results. More importantly, I am very confident that if you put in more effort and hard work in your English (and other subjects), you should do well.

Remember, when you do not do well in exam - it's because you do not put in enough effort, and not because you are stupid. No one is stupid. If you work hard and aim high, you will get what you want.

Please complete your homework assignments and bring them back on the first day of Term 3.

(1) Green Book - (Grammar exercises) - do as many pages as you want
(2) Grammar Cloze Worksheets (1 to 10)
(3) Vocab Cloze Worksheets (1 to 5) - and to 10 (optional)
(4) Activities on Penicillin (and other topics)

For those pupils who are weak in English, I strongly advise you to work on your foundation - i.e. grammar (try P3 and P4 Grammar Assessment books).

Please also visit this blog regularly for more online discussions.

Finally, have a good holidays - play hard and study hard at the same time!!

Mr Andy

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