Thursday 10 March 2011

P5 English - Make or Break!

"Time to pull up your socks - it's never too late to start now!"

I'm sure many of you have heard many teachers saying this to you. True enough, it's never too late to start. P5 is a very important year - if you don't seize the day (carpe diem!), you would have a problem catching up in P6. Trust my words!

The school's English Department has put in place a structured worksheet curriculum to help our pupils raise their standard of English.

From Term 2 onwards, we will have:
(1) Structured Progression - Situational Writing focusing on Formal Writing in Term 2 and Factual Reports in Term 3.
(2) Open Cloze Passage
(3) Comprehension Skills Strategies - teaching pupils how to read with understanding. Main approach: DRTA
(4) Structured Writing Package - based on the Understanding by Backward Design principles. Worksheets are carefully designed in a sense that there are a series of activities to help build prior knowledge and scaffold understanding and thinking.
(5) Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheet Series - focusing on building foundation of weaker pupils. Pupils of higher ability will be given another set of worksheets.
(6) Subscription to Little Red Dot - to utilize the newspaper on every Friday during the school' Joy-to-Read programme.
(7) To improve the standard of spoken English, the walls outside 5R will be pasted with activities in which pupils will learn how to convert Singlish to proper English.

 ...... and many more!

Of course, all these initiatives and programmes would be wasted if pupils are not self-motivated or do not take learning seriously.

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