Monday 28 March 2011

Jump Jam 2

Jump Jam 2 !! We'll soon be doing this for MASS PE!

Sunday 27 March 2011

English Remedial - Term 3

Dear Parents/Guardian and pupils of 5R,

Please be reminded that there will be remedial on every Monday for 5 weeks starting from Week 2.

This remedial is compulsory. I will be focusing on comprehension and writing skills during these sessions.

See you on Monday,
Mr Andy

Saturday 26 March 2011

Week 2 Spelling

Dear P5R pupils,

Please remember to study Spelling 2 & 3. I will be testing your spelling on coming Monday.

(Bring along your GV3 worksheets)

All the best.

Mr Andy

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Today's Homework (22/3, Tues)

1. Complete the remaining questions in the GV 1 worksheet.
2. Editing 3 (refer to your Editing spelling list for help)
3. My Pals Unit 4 - do the comprehension MCQ on Marco Polo.
4. Learn Spelling 2 and 3 (to be tested on next Monday)

Saturday 19 March 2011

M.U.R.D.E.R (a study system)

Dear Pupils,

Please take some time to read this. This 'MURDER' is a study system that teaches you how to learn and study better.

Set a positive mood for yourself to study in.
Select the appropriate time, environment, and attitude.

Mark (or highlight) any information (or word/s) you don't understand in a particular topic/unit;
Remember to consult / clear your doubts with your teacher at the end of the lesson.

After studying a chapter/concept,
stop and put what you have learned into your own words; or by saying it out loud to yourself or to a friend.

Go back to what you did not understand and reconsider the information;
Contact external expert sources (e.g., library books, the Internet, teachers, etc) if you still cannot understand it

In this step, ask three kinds of questions concerning the studied material:
If I could speak to the author, what questions would I ask or what criticism would I offer?
How could I apply this material to what I am interested in?
How could I make this information interesting and understandable to other students?

Go over the material you've covered,
Review what strategies helped you understand and/or retain information in the past and apply these to your current studies

Adapted from Hayes, John R., The Complete Problem Solver, Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, Hillsdale, NJ: 1989

Creating Twists in Compositions / "Mischievous" writings

Example 1

In one compo where a boy wrote about pushing a girl into a pond and was punished by his mom who imposed a no-computer weekend, he ended off with this '...."Well, at least, I have my little bit of fun today" I mumbled to myself.'

Thoughts: I laughed and thought it was witty, but then I also told him that he should write that he felt sorry.

Example 2

In another compo piece it was about helping a girl who was lost and was rewarded with $10 by the girl's mother. A boy wrote as the concluding sentence: "I hope there will be more lost children the next time I come here again," I smiled to myself as I pocketed the money.

Thoughts: How? What do you think? Witty, right?

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Past IPPT/NAPFA Results

Dear Pupils,

Please be reminded that NAPFA Test will take place in April. Prepare yourself early for the test by training hard now. Remember to train smart.

  • Read a few rounds the basketball court (e.g. 4 to 5 rounds) during recess then go and buy your food.
  • Do 20 to 30 crunches every night before you sleep.
  • Eat right, eat wisely. Avoid fried food and sweet drinks (plain water is the best)
  • Drink enough water every day - keep yourself healthy!
I hope I'll be a good role model for you. Here's my previous IPPT/NAPFA test results.

If I can do it, so can you!!  It's good to aim for GOLD - but be reasonable to yourself, aim for SILVER / bronze first. Do not aim for a mere pass. Remember, one of our school values is "EXCELLENCE" - do you best, put in your best effort - AIM HIGH!

Mr Andy

Saturday 12 March 2011

Brace yourselves kids!! Term 2 is going to be a roller coaster ride!

Lesson Scheme for Term 2 English
This is a very rough plan on what to expect in Term 2.

To survive Term 2, you need to
* Pay attention in class
* Do your work and submit them on time
* Keep your handwriting tidy and neat
* No careless mistakes and waste time on correction
* Stay healthy, eat wisely - dont fall sick!

Chew Jawa Wetland

These were the photos taken during my trip to Chek Jawa last weekend! We'll discuss more about Chek Jawa in Term 2 Week 3 (My Pals - Saving Our World!). In the meantime, perhaps you would want to start thinking of what questions you want to ask me in regards to the above pictures? Should we preserve Chek Jawa? Should we take care and love our environment? Why is our environment considered fragile? What can you do as an individual to save the earth?

Launching Soon - NEW DAZHONG PRIMARY SCHOOL 2012!!

Quite obviously, it is still undergoing major construction! Fret not, we will be moving back next year! We will have brand new furniture and brand new facilities!!

It's really big!! massive!! huge!!

Thursday 10 March 2011

P5 Camp 2011 @ Dairy Farm Adventure Center!

P5 Camp Ends with Roaring Success!
Here are some of the snapshots taken during the 3D2N Camp! 

The young and energetic instructors
Pupils getting ready to serve their friends during meal times!
Definitely soaring beyond limits!!
Very COOL P5 Camp Tshirt!
Camp Fire!

P5 English - Make or Break!

"Time to pull up your socks - it's never too late to start now!"

I'm sure many of you have heard many teachers saying this to you. True enough, it's never too late to start. P5 is a very important year - if you don't seize the day (carpe diem!), you would have a problem catching up in P6. Trust my words!

The school's English Department has put in place a structured worksheet curriculum to help our pupils raise their standard of English.

From Term 2 onwards, we will have:
(1) Structured Progression - Situational Writing focusing on Formal Writing in Term 2 and Factual Reports in Term 3.
(2) Open Cloze Passage
(3) Comprehension Skills Strategies - teaching pupils how to read with understanding. Main approach: DRTA
(4) Structured Writing Package - based on the Understanding by Backward Design principles. Worksheets are carefully designed in a sense that there are a series of activities to help build prior knowledge and scaffold understanding and thinking.
(5) Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheet Series - focusing on building foundation of weaker pupils. Pupils of higher ability will be given another set of worksheets.
(6) Subscription to Little Red Dot - to utilize the newspaper on every Friday during the school' Joy-to-Read programme.
(7) To improve the standard of spoken English, the walls outside 5R will be pasted with activities in which pupils will learn how to convert Singlish to proper English.

 ...... and many more!

Of course, all these initiatives and programmes would be wasted if pupils are not self-motivated or do not take learning seriously.

Be a fit kid!

Obesity means an excess amount of body fat. It is a rising concern as well as a social problem.

Vege + chicken slice + beansprouts + carrot = YUMMY!!
A good variety of healthy food sold in the school canteen!
New spongy softballs for Striking and Fielding Games (Term 3)
New soft volleyballs for the P6 pupils (Term 2)

Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight. If you're fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to do, like run around with your friends.

Some steps only parents can take — such as serving healthy meals or deciding to take the family on a nature hike. But kids can take charge, too, when it comes to health.

Here are five rules to live by, if you're a kid who wants to be fit. The trick is to follow these rules most of the time, knowing that some days (like your birthday) might call for cake and ice cream.

Eat a Variety of Foods, Especially Fruits and Vegetables

You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven't tried for a while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day — two fruits and three vegetables.
Here's one combination that might work for you:
  • at breakfast: ½ cup (about 4 large) strawberries on your cereal
  • with lunch: 6 baby carrots
  • for a snack: an apple
  • with dinner: ½ cup broccoli (about 2 big spears) and 1 cup of salad

Drink Water and Milk Most Often

When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 thirst-quencher. And there's a reason your school cafeteria offers cartons of milk. Kids need calcium to build strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral. How much do kids need? If you are younger than 9 years old, drink 2 cups of milk a day, or its equivalent. Aim for 3 cups of milk per day, or its equivalent. You can mix it up by having milk and some other calcium-rich dairy foods. Here's one combination:
  • 2 cups (about half a liter) of low-fat or nonfat milk
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese
  • ½ cup (small container) of yogurt
You probably will want something other than milk or water once in a while, so it's OK to have 100% juice, too. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients.

Listen to Your Body

What does it feel like to be full? When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don't notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable and, over a period of time, can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Limit Screen Time

What's screen time? It's the amount of time you spend watching TV or DVDs, playing video games (console systems or handheld games), and using the computer. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time available for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding, and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time, not counting computer use related to school.

Be Active

One job you have as a kid — and it's a fun one — is that you get to figure out which activities you like best. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your passion is karate, or kickball, or dancing. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day. You might even write down a list of fun stuff to do, so you can refer to it when your mom or dad says it's time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!

Speaking of parents, they can be a big help if you want to be a fit kid. For instance, they can stock the house with healthy foods and plan physical activities for the family. Tell your parents about these five steps you want to take and maybe you can teach them a thing or two. If you're a fit kid, why shouldn't you have a fit mom and a fit dad?

Source: (reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD)

Marshall Cavendish Online

Dear Parents/Guardian & pupils of 5R,
The online learning Portal is ready for your child/ward to use. 
The website is:
Please follow the instructions below for your child/ward to access the portal:

LogIn ID: (Pupil's Student Pass No) e.g. T1234567H
School ID: DZPS
Password: mconline

The class will be using the portal in school as well in the computer lab.
Please encourage your child/ward to use the portal for their different subject areas.


Snapshots of our classroom...

Here are some snapshots of the classroom:

... deep in thoughts
P5R pupils engrossed in their class work
Class 5R with 2 Koreans on exchange

Reminders for Parents & Pupils of 5R

March Holiday's Assignments (English)
(1) Vocabulary
(2) Editing
Please use a dictionary to help you!

(3) When school reopens on Day 1 (Term 2), there'll be Spelling. Remember to learn the words and phrases.

(4) Spend some time to look through the Grammar notes (present tense, past tense & participles)

Learn how to plan and manage your time well. Pace yourself and you will realise that you actually do have a lot of time to complete the assignments.

Have a good holidays!

End of Term 1

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