Wednesday 28 September 2011

Lesson Observation - Personal Recounts

Dear Pupils

I must say I am very impressed by your excellent behaviour today during the lesson observation. Mrs Leong was very pleased with all of you!! Keep up the good work.

Many of you can actually identify the right words/phrases that further reinforce the focus of the text you were reading. Well done!

Some points I forgot to mention:
When I asked the class to identify the main problem of your writing - some of you talked about Spelling, Tenses, etc.

Do remember you also need to check whether you have the correct Organization Structure; and whether are you using the right diction.

I will elaborate more on this tomorrow.

Have a good rest!

Mr Andy

Monday 26 September 2011

Cultural Immersion Trip @ Melacca (21 to 23 Sept, 2011)

I had a great time with the pupils at Melacca - especially those in Coach 2 (5/2 and 5/4). The pupils in both classes were superb and very well behaved. 10/10!!

Please remember to bring your reflection log on Wednesday (Term 4, Week 3).

Here are some of the photos taken at Melacca. Happy viewing!

Monday 19 September 2011

Term 4 Week 2 Updates

Hi Pupils

Time flies ! It's already Week 2 of Term 4.

I'm sure most of you are looking forward to two big things:
(1) Melaka - Cultural Immersion Trip for 19 Pupils
(2) SA2 Exam!!

Dont worry so much about the exam. Remember what we discussed in class today on Time Management - "if you plan to fail, you fail to plan".

Just remember to plan your time wisely and be disciplined enough to stick to your plan. Pay attention in class, do your homework and you will be fine :)

Please clarify your doubts and approach me for help. I understand I can be very strict at times - but if you do come to me with genuine questions, I promise I will not scold you!! Promise!

However, I must admit I was very angry today in class because almost half the class did not complete the tasks given last week. You cannot take things for granted and take advantage of a teacher who always gives you chance to repent.


Most importantly, put your thoughts/words into ACTIONS! Make it  happen!!

I called some of your parents earlier:
Huiyin, Guiyan, Sufian, Renny, Firdaus ... and I will be calling some of your parents very soon. Dont worry, I'm not complaining about you not doing work. I'm calling your parents to find out more about what, how and whether you have been revising your work at home :)

While 19 of your classmates will be away for the Melaka trip, please be reminded that YOU STILL NEED TO COME TO SCHOOL.

(1) Complete the SELF STUDY PACK in class - Check and Mark - and that left you with NO HOMEWORK for 3 days.
(2) Your homework will be 'chicken feet' - Just revise your work - Find the meanings of difficult words from Compre 5 to 8, Use Question the Author (ask questions as you read). In short, 'deface' the passage!

See you soon.

Mr Andy

Tuesday 6 September 2011

New Resources for Power Rangers

When school reopens, I will be selecting new batch of Power Rangers.

Before I release the names on Monday - may I know who is interested to join the group? 

Be prepared to work hard - this group will be pushed to getting Band 1 and Band 2 for the coming SA2 Exam. Pupils in this group are considered quite good in English.

For those who are not selected (still quite weak in English), dont worry - you just need to
(2) Improve your weak areas
(3) Pay attention in class and submit the classwork/homework on time
(4) Have a good learning attitude!!

At the same time, I urge all of you not to neglect the other subjects - Math, Science and Mother Tongue - as they are all equally important.

Enjoy your holidays - use this time to catch up and revise on your weak areas. Remember what you promise me, remember how we 'clicked' our fingers.

See you on Monday.