Monday 1 August 2011

Updates on Softball (Week 6)

Hi Pupils

I'm sure all of you had fun today! You exceeded my expectations! Most of you could actually play softball quite well.

Let me reiterate some of the more important points/questions:

As a fielder (players on the field, catching the batted ball):
- You need to be in READY position
- Before you throw the ball to another teammate, you need to ask yourself a very important question: "Where is the runner?"
- You need to be very sharp - especially fielders at the 3rd base and the catcher near the homebase.

As a batter
- You need to bat the ball properly (remember: 3 strikes and you are OUT)
- Before you bat the ball, you need to ask yourself: "Where should I place the ball?"
- Before you run from one base to another - you need to ask yourself: "Is it safe to run?"

Many of you are making very good progress. I'll be taking a video of the lesson in Week 8. (Week 7: NDP Celebration).

In the meantime, please go online (google/utube) and search for some Softball videos; do some research, and field me with more questions!

I'll end off with a short video - tell me how you feel in the COMMENTS.



  1. Wow , awsome . The boy without a leg still can play softball . He must had practiced very hard on that :)

  2. HuiYin thanks for your comments!

    However, besides "awesome" - what did you feel after seeing him play? A person without legs playing equally well as able-bodied man like u and myself.

  3. I feel very sad for the boy because he had one leg left.By seeing what he did tells me that he did not give up although he got one leg instead he work very hard and tried his best.And he made a dream became a reality by working hard and never give up on his dream.

  4. I felt bad and sad because we have 2 legs and yet we play quite lousy .. The boy with 1 leg can play so well ! I must practice very hard :)

  5. I mean "We" not "Us"

  6. I mean "We" Not "I" . Opps , I made a lot of mistakes today ..

  7. i felt myself very lousy because he only had one leg and can still play quite well.I MUST COMMENT THE BOY"GOOD,AWESOME&INCREDIBLE"
    The boy is very brave because he strive for the 'BEST'.we have two legs BUT we could run like a"person".I think the boy deserve a leg because he TRIES.

  8. i feel guilty after seeing this video!!we cant even play tat well unless we practise super hard and practise everyday

  9. We must pratise more to play like what he can.Even if he has only 1 leg left..!!

  10. i felt bad too even though he is handicap i never see a handicap played so well in soft ball.he is good but not us.i see i need to work and play hard on it.

  11. i felt super duper bad about myself.we played it so lousy but i never seen a boy played so well.i never seen the boy who played tht good even though he was handicapped.i guess we need to work and play hard

  12. i felt bad about that even though the boy is handicapped but he can played it so well but we played lousy.i guess we must work and play hard and we must not give up easily although we are half wy there to play the game successfully.

  13. I felt so sad that the boy can play so well and his balacing is so good i also feel that we have a proper body and we cannot play well but the boy played quite well and after i watched the video i feel sorry.

  14. i felt sad about adam but i don't know he can played well with one leg. i'm sorry mr andy that i comment at this night

  15. The boy play so well with only one leg! He can be more better if he work hard, it is as same as us. We will do better if we work hard.

  16. Wow! Adam Bender Can Play With One Leg? I Think If We Only Have One Leg,We Can Play The Softball Harder...

  17. I fell sad because he can play soft-ball better then us although he only have on leg.If I can I will donate some money to him, so he can have two legs like us.


  18. i felt so angry because he can play so well with one leg but us two legs

  19. Wow one legs can play but we two legs can't paly well
