Friday 5 August 2011

Softball Match 1 - 6/2 VS 5/2

We had a ball of a good time today at the school field - and it was a DRAW!

The morning dew on the grass gave way to determined warriors.

With the score at 8-10 in 6/2's favour, everything was hinged upon the unity of 5/2 - with all the batters thinking really hard and making very tough decisions before winning the inning. With all the bases loaded, a mistake would mean a tie. With the teams so evenly matched and the 'champion' so close enough to smell, 5/2 had to win it.

Zaki and Wendy's mistakes were costly but forgivable. 5/2 ended the game with a draw. They just need to redeem themselves next Friday.

It's going to be a tough fight. Who will win the game?

Learning points:
- Think fast, make quick/swift decisions.
- Be safe (Is it safe to run?) - but not conservative (don't dare to take risks) (One of the players from 6/2 claimed that Team5/2 was too conservative)
- Friendship, Respect and Excellence (Olympic Values) - The game ended amicably with players shaking hands with one another - all looking forward to the next game!

(I need photographers and supporters on Friday - Week 7!! Any volunteers??)


  1. 5/2 Will Win It

  2. Who will represent the the class to play the softball match on this friday?

  3. Junyong - let's give those who didnt play last week a chance to play next week.

  4. Can I play this week?I did not play last week.
