Friday 1 July 2011

Term 3 Week 1

Hey Children!

I'm very happy to see that all of you are starting to take your work more seriously! That's really a very good start!

From the markings, it is obvious that you have made improvements in these areas:
(1) Graphic Stimulus (5 marks)
(2) Editing for Punctuation (3 marks)
(3) Editing for Spelling & Grammar (10 marks)

In addition and more importantly, quite a few of you can identify different parts of speech. Examples:
(1) Conjunctions (joining words) - e.g. "but", "and"
(2) Adverbs (manners) - words ending with "ly" - e.g. "seriously", "quickly" (how fast she ran? She ran fast - how fast? - she ran quickly)
(3) Modals - e.g. can, could, shall, should, will, would, must, may, ought to, should not, could not, may not, must not. (followed by a word in the bare present tense)
(4) Concord - "one of the boys", "one of the children", "one of the students"
(5) Infinitive 'to' - to go, to sleep, to eat
(6) Participle - "have eaten", "have slept", "have drunk" (NOT "have drank": drink - drank - drunk), "have swum" (not "have swam").
(7) Subject (can be found in the beginning / front of a sentence, usually a person or thing; not to be confused with nouns)

Not to worry if you cant remember all of them. We will have more than enough time and practices for you to try out in class!

Meanwhile, have a great holiday (on Monday)!

Homework for Week 1:
(1) Vocab 11B (do page 1 and 2 only)
(2) Complete Holiday Vocab Worksheets 5 to 10 (mark yourself)
(3) Vocab List (find the meanings of the words given - you may use for help)

(Full Attendance for 2 days! Hurray!!)

Mr Andy

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