Saturday 2 April 2011

What had we learnt so far?

Tackling the section on Editing (bold = spelling; underline = grammar)

Tackling the section on Graphic Stimulus (read the questions, find the answers; questions dealing with "main reason", "main idea", "main objective" - always do it last)

Tackling the section on Situational Writing (aim for full 6/6 marks for Content)

Plot structure in narrative writing (Orientation > Rising Actions > Climax > Falling Actions > Resolutions); and keep asking yourselves 5W1H when you write. But before you write, you need to PLAN!

Grammar & Vocab (GV worksheets) - Eliminate/Cancel the wrong answers first, learn how to guess the answer in context.

Synthesis & Transformation - Do not change the meaning of the sentence. Know where to put your "comma" and "full stop", and tenses.

For the next few weeks (Term 2 Week 3 & 4), we would be focusing on writing skills (more on plot structure), cloze passage and comprehension skills.

English is not difficult - it's about identifying patterns and equipping yourselves with the right techniques/skills to understand and answer the questions.

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