Friday 29 April 2011

Sunday 24 April 2011

Inconsiderate people

Every day we see inconsiderate people with no civic consciousness living around us. They throw litter everywhere - on the corridors, lift lobby, in the lift itself (see photo above)... and they throw anything and everything everywhere...

Let's do our part by keeping our environment clean and green. Stop littering!

Friday 22 April 2011

SA1 Exam - Paper 1 on Tuesday

Dear Pupils,

Please remember that you will be having your Paper 1 English on Tuesday.

You will be tested on the following components:

Part 1: Situational Writing (Formal Letter)

- Remember the read the notes on the format of writing
- Read the graphic stimulus (question)
- Find and underline the 6 points (score 6/6 full marks for the Content component)
- Write your answer in complete sentences
- Dear XXX  .... Yours sincerely (or faithfully)
- Start with: Re: ________________________ 
- Conclude with: "I look forward to hearing from you"

Part 2: Continuous Writing
Q2: Picture Composition

Q3: Scenario

Study the post-mortem materials well (those on Crime & Accident), and the common blunders made during your Topical Test 2.

Remember to PLAN your story (5 min)
And develop your plot structure throughout by asking Who, What, Where, When, Why, How....
- Orientation
- Rising Actions (develop your conflict/problem)
- Climax (make it very exciting)
- Falling Actions (how you solve your problem)
- Ending/Resolution (the story/message must be consistent to problem/conflict)

Good luck!

Saturday 16 April 2011


Dear pupils,

Please remember to submit the following forms if you have not done so (to Mr Beh when he comes back on Monday). Urgent.

1. Travel Declaration Form
2. Edusave Form (Fees Schedule for 2011)
3. Exam Time Table - acknowledgment slip

Sunday 10 April 2011

P5&6 Term 3 - Softball Lessons

Dear P5 & P6 pupils,

We will be learning how to play softball in Term 3! The new foam-bats and softballs had arrived!!

Mr Andy

Food for thought

So what if you scored 100 marks for all subjects - but your character is flawed.

So what if achieved Band 1 in all subjects but your attitude is bad, you are rude and have no respect for your teachers and parents. You bully, you steal, you break school rules...?

So what's more important? Good values or good grades? Both?

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Eye Care Rap Results

Congratulations to 5/2 for coming in 2nd in the Eye Care Rep contest!!

Kudos to all those involved and had participated in the contest!

Here are the results:
1st - 5/1
2nd - 5/2
3rd - 5/3
4th - 5/4

Saturday 2 April 2011

Justin Bieber does not know the meaning of "German"!!

Do you???

What had we learnt so far?

Tackling the section on Editing (bold = spelling; underline = grammar)

Tackling the section on Graphic Stimulus (read the questions, find the answers; questions dealing with "main reason", "main idea", "main objective" - always do it last)

Tackling the section on Situational Writing (aim for full 6/6 marks for Content)

Plot structure in narrative writing (Orientation > Rising Actions > Climax > Falling Actions > Resolutions); and keep asking yourselves 5W1H when you write. But before you write, you need to PLAN!

Grammar & Vocab (GV worksheets) - Eliminate/Cancel the wrong answers first, learn how to guess the answer in context.

Synthesis & Transformation - Do not change the meaning of the sentence. Know where to put your "comma" and "full stop", and tenses.

For the next few weeks (Term 2 Week 3 & 4), we would be focusing on writing skills (more on plot structure), cloze passage and comprehension skills.

English is not difficult - it's about identifying patterns and equipping yourselves with the right techniques/skills to understand and answer the questions.

Rebecca Black - the new Justin Bieber?

How do you find this song?