Friday 17 August 2012


Dear Pupils

One paper's down - 3 more to go!!

I believe most of you would have done well and I'm confident if you persevere and put in greater effort, you are all going to DO VERY WELL in your examination - not just for English, but for other subjects as well!

These few weeks are very crucial. If you have been slacking, this is the time to work hard. If you have been working hard consistently, this is the time to revise harder. You reap what you sow.

Remember, there are 2 kinds of stress - good stress and bad stress. You should know what to tell yourself when you encounter bad stress. Remember, you can always approach your teachers for advice :) The school is behind you. We are always there for you :) 

I have confidence in all of you :) Let's win this battle together! :)

Faith. Trust. Belief.

Mr Andy

Sunday 12 August 2012

Updates on Oral and LC Prelim

Dear Parents/Guardian/Pupils

Updates on Prelim Listening & Oral

Generally, the class did not perform up to expectation - especially in Listening Comprehension

You need to put in more effort in these components because these are two very crucial components in the English Paper that can help pull up your total mark.

Listening Comprehension
* You really need to be very focused - especially after Q10. Some literally fell asleep or simply 'switched off' your mind.
* You need to take the 2nd reading very seriously - use it to re-confirm your answer.
* You need to be exam smart and read the questions while the CD is being played.
* You need to make very short notes while you listen. This helps you to remain focused.

AIM: 20/20

* (Refer to the Mass Lecture conducted during Mass PE. The last session will take place on Week 8 , Monday during Assembly)

Oral Reading - Aim: 9/10 (Feelings, Consistency in stressing the consonants (s/k/t), reading vs talking tone)

Picture - Aim: 8/10 (Use good language and speak in present tense; remember to conclude with a big idea)

Conversation - Aim: 8/10 (Eye contact is very important)

Be confident!!!

Week 8 (Thu & Fri) - PSLE ORAL EXAM 2012


Mr Andy