Every year there are more than 3,000 reports of unnatural deaths in Singapore. There are often various reasons behind each of them. Regardless of what the reasons are, the feelings evoked are always the same. It's sad, extremely tragic and the resounding thought that echoes in many people's minds is - the death or deaths could have been prevented. The aim of this special thought -provoking and touching series is to help prevent senseless and tragic occurrence of unnatural deaths.
Episode 1: Falling From Height
In this episode, we see how victims fall from height and die unnatural deaths when they put themselves at risk.
Mdm Foo, a newspaper seller was also a drug abuser. In her bid to escape arrest by drug enforcers, she accidentally fell to her death from the 8th floor. It was supposed to be a fast night for Wisa, a sex worker. A simple job for a client in the bush and off she was supposed to go. Unfortunately, ants in the bush, drove them to the man's flat. After a short session, the man tied Wisa up on his bed as he had to go to the toilet. Wisa, worried for her safety, broke free and climbed out of the bedroom and in her desperate attempt to get away, she fell to her death.
In both cases, the victims ironically died when they were actually trying to save their own lives. More than 90% of Singapore's population lives in high-rise buildings such as HDB flats or condominiums. However, not many of them know much about the possible risks.
Episode 2: Endurance Sports
In this episode, we see how such endurance sports can take away precious lives and what we have to look out for while doing such strenuous exercises.
In August 2009, 42 year old Thomas and his 2 friends formed a team to participate in a Triathlon. Being the strongest swimmer of the three, Thomas took care of the swimming leg of the race. However, he ran into problems at the final 350m of the 1.5 km swim, and drowned as a result. In June 2007, a seemingly healthy 17 year old, Eugene died suddenly almost as soon as he crossed the Finish line of a Triathlon Selection Trial. Could such sudden and premature deaths have been prevented?

Episode 3: Infant Deaths
In this episode, we see show how infants may die unnatural deaths and how parents or caretakers could prevent it.
In March 2008, Mrs Lee claimed she dropped her 3-month-old baby boy after being startled by a cyclist who'd whizzed past her. You think that the death of her second child will be a lesson learnt but another accident happened. One year later, her third child, a 2-month-old baby girl went into a comatose state. She died three months later. A continuously crying Raudha irritated her father, Muthu, who wanted to rest after a tiring day of work. Muthu tried to rock Raudha to sleep but was futile in his attempt. The rocking gets more forceful as the angst in Muthu builds up. This not only made Raudha quiet but also took away her life.
A small life is more fragile than what you may think. A simple knock which is totally unaffecting to an adult, may cause serious brain damage to an infant. The greatest regret a parent can have is causing harm to their child.
Episode 4: Drowning
In this episode, we see how some suffered unnatural deaths by drowning while engaged in their favorite water sport activities.
One such victim was Kamar, ironically a man who had been awarded a Guinness Stout Effort Award for bravery, in having saved a drowning man.
The water has brought us much fun and interesting sports activities like swimming, sailing and diving. When in water, one can feel relaxed and calm. However, the water can also be a danger to some. For those who do not know how to swim, drowning might happen. For those who know how to swim, they might still drown due to 'water blackout'. Water safety is important to those who are involved in water sports.
Episode 5: Glue-sniffing
In this episode, we see how glue-sniffing have led people to die unnaturally.
Substance abuse used to be what only adults can do, since many of the drugs are prohibited to those below the age of 18. But now, other substances can be conveniently found in shops have transformed into harmful substances that people use as drugs. One common substance is glue. Glue can be found easily at any of the art and crafts or home ware shops. Teenagers therefore have easier access to such substances, using them in the wrong way.
Academically slow Asril went to sniff glue by the sea with two other friends. With their lightheaded feeling, they then decided to go for a swim in the sea. Unfortunately, Asril drowned. 34-year-old Steven had been sniffing glue to get high for 20 years, going in and out of treatment centres. This habit of his finally cost him his life. His previously unknown heart condition had worsened from the prolonged abuse, causing him to die suddenly.
Episode 6: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
What are some of the precautions one can take to avert unnatural deaths caused by carbon monoxide poisoning?
Carbon monoxide is one of the more common harmful gases that are emitted every day. People have died from carbon monoxide poisoning while waiting or falling asleep in their vehicles. By leaving the air-conditioner of the car switched on when the car is stationary, carbon monoxide can build up.
In November 2005, Kenny was found slumped over Esther in his car, both partially undressed and dead. They were colleagues, but maybe more than that. They had died due to the build-up of carbon monoxide in the car. In July 2000, a gas leak has caused Andy to remain asleep forever. Chee Wee, the carpenter had accidentally punctured the gas pipe in Andy's new flat while installing new cabinets in the kitchen. When the main gas switch was turned on, the tragedy occurred.
Episode 7: Food Contamination
This episode highlights the importance of proper handling of food.
In April 2009, Hasnah, Siti and Halimah were among many who were down with food poisoning after consuming Indian rojak from a stall. Fortunately, Halimah survived although she suffered a miscarriage. Hasnah and Siti were not so lucky. They went into coma a few days after the incident and never regained consciousness. In December 2007, Wati bought a 1.5kg chocolate cake to celebrate the birthdays of her mother and niece. Never did she know that this cake will cause her and her friends who turned up for the celebration to fall sick.
Food that are left out in the open will inevitably be infected with dust, bacteria etc. These microorganisms are unseen by the naked eye, but would affect the internal organs if consumed. Improper handling of the food in stalls might cause many to be hospitalized or even lose their lives.
Episode 8: Slimming Drugs
Trying to look good is not wrong, but not at the expense of one's life.
In November 2008, Lai started taking weight-loss supplements recommended by her friend. She took it every day for a month, and she started feeling weak, hallucinating and talking to 'invisible' people. She eventually passed away in her sleep 6 months later. 43-year-old, Rani, suffered from liver failure after taking some slimming pills. She refused to go public with her plight until her condition turned critical. More than 200 people offered to help her by giving her a liver transplant, but unfortunately they were all not allowed to. Rani eventually died.
Being slim seems to be what most women (and some men) hope to achieve. These people pop slimming pills as if they were vitamin supplements. These drugs may be a cure for some but harmful to others.